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Showing results for Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s Holy Grail

Finding a biomarker for Alzheimer's disease is the field's holy grail. Jeff Dage, PhD, has been searching for most of the past decade.

Matthew Harris  |  Dec 13, 2023

Leading the Way

A landmark IU School of Medicine study of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease enters its fifth year — and has more insights to share.

Laura Gates  |  Dec 13, 2023

Caring for the Caregivers

Mona Peck has unwaveringly tended to her husband for the last eight years as he confronted Alzheimer’s disease — an effort aided by IU researchers developing programs to deliver assistance and bolster confidence.

Matthew Harris  |  Feb 09, 2023

Room for Innovation

Longtime supporters Dave and Susan Roberts have committed to outfitting labs in a new medical research building that will seek answers for neurodegenerative diseases.

Bobby King  |  Nov 30, 2022

The Search

Over the last 25 years, hundreds of clinical trials for drugs treating Alzheimer’s disease have failed. As the field takes stock, a team at IU School of Medicine hunts for new targets—and hope for patients.

Matthew Harris  |  Nov 10, 2020

Will I be next?

For many families, what should be some of the best years of their lives will be stolen by a degenerative brain condition.

Bobby King  |  Jan 01, 2019

Exercise reduces Alzheimer’s risk. Why?

An IU scientist explores the connection between physical activity and decreasing inflammation.

Karen Spataro  |  Jul 01, 2018

Winning the Race to Save Memory

Dave Roberts backs drivers who push a car to the limit to take a checked flag. Now, he and his wife are supporting researchers at IU School of Medicine as they speed up searching for ways to halt Alzheimer’s disease.

Karen Spataro  |  Jun 01, 2017

A Battle Worth Waging

Peer Baekgaard defied death during World War II. Yet Alzheimer’s disease was a foe he couldn’t outrun. Now, Barbara Baekgaard and her family are helping the IU School of Medicine make it a fight patients can win.

Karen Spataro  |  Feb 01, 2016

Getting a Head Start

To keep Alzheimer’s disease from stealing memory, IU scientists are working to find hints of its presence and new ways to halt its insidious effects.

Karen Spataro  |  Feb 01, 2016